Sunday, January 30, 2011

Love Hurts?

I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.  ~Mother Teresa

I saw this quote and it took me awhile to grasp it. Mother Teresa was such a profound woman! I think this quote resonates with me on the parenting level. My daughter is 3 1/2 going on 13 and she is a DIVA! With that "diva-ness" comes some harsh words that cause me pain. I love her through my pain. She kicks me when I try to change her, bath her, or a myriad of other things. I love her through my pain. I suppose as a mom, I loved her so passionately before  she was born and even more so through the pain of birth that I love her even more. Loving her can be painful, but love overcomes that pain. The more I love her, the more I cherish her, the more I break through the pain and experience love...her love.

How do you love through the hurt?
  • Seek compassion first, love is close behind
  • Trust the greater good of love, it will prevail
  • Embrace the beauty of humanity, it displays its true self
  • Seek not to change the person or the situation, seek to change yourself and your actions and see what happens
So how does this quote apply to this blog? yourself through the hurts in life. No matter what it is, no matter the challenges, the failures, the difficulties. Even when it yourself and equally important, accept your own love. As you do, you will find that at the end of the day love is reflecting back at you in the mirror.

Be Blessed....

Thursday, January 20, 2011

It will not end with me...

It will not end with me, the values that I hold dear and ground me.
  • Honor: Honoring myself and this life I have been given 
  • Charity: Sharing my blessings straight from my heart overflow
  • Faith: The solid rock on which I stand
  • Truth: It has not agenda but to reveal itself. Speak the truth and sleep well.
  • Personal Responsibility: This is your life, it is your responsibility. Accept the gift.
  • Love: Love expands and touches many more than you will ever know
Have a blessed day, speak kindly!