I saw this quote and it took me awhile to grasp it. Mother Teresa was such a profound woman! I think this quote resonates with me on the parenting level. My daughter is 3 1/2 going on 13 and she is a DIVA! With that "diva-ness" comes some harsh words that cause me pain. I love her through my pain. She kicks me when I try to change her, bath her, or a myriad of other things. I love her through my pain. I suppose as a mom, I loved her so passionately before she was born and even more so through the pain of birth that I love her even more. Loving her can be painful, but love overcomes that pain. The more I love her, the more I cherish her, the more I break through the pain and experience love...her love.
How do you love through the hurt?
- Seek compassion first, love is close behind
- Trust the greater good of love, it will prevail
- Embrace the beauty of humanity, it displays its true self
- Seek not to change the person or the situation, seek to change yourself and your actions and see what happens
Be Blessed....