I was surfing the net and I came across a quote that got me thinking..."Integrity has no need for rules" - Albert Camus
How many times have we questioned if we should do something, if what we were doing was right? How often have the words "should" come out of your mouth or gone through your mind? Probably more than you can count, I know more than I can count for myself. Should is a reflection of a rule. If you live with integrity, if you live in that space that has clarity, you "shouldn't" have to do anything because you will be doing what you need to be doing.
What comes to mind for me is taking my kids to the park. They LOVE to play (as most kids do) but I get so wrapped up in business and house stuff that sometimes, no often, those things that I value are de-valued because of my action/inaction. I was putting together an online album (had a coupon was about to expire) and as I was looking at the pictures of my kids my heart swelled with love for them but also sadness at my own shortcomings. If I lived with integrity I would not need a rule in my life about taking the kids to the park, I would not say "I should" instead of doing laundry. I would hold true to my passions and my values without question.
So what is the plan? Simple, discipline. Yeah I know everyone hates that word but when you really think about it, it is one of the best words because when you have the discipline then you have the boundaries, you have the clear line in which you can live you life with integrity. Giving into the distractions take away from our integrity, take away from the discipline and thus create a need to create an excuse.
Next time you find yourself coming up with an excuse or something you SHOULD do, as yourself if you are living with integrity. If you are, celebrate, if not, then look back to the first sentence! =)
Be Blessed!
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