Sunday, March 13, 2011


The great use of life is to spend it for something that outlasts it.  ~William James

What really matters in life? What message are you giving yourself? What messages are you allowing into your life and the lives of your family? What are you spending your time on and investing in?

I found this picture of my kids:

It reminds me about what is important, about what I am spending time on, about what will outlast me. Becoming a mom changed me a great deal. What used to be pointless and empty is now full of passion and purpose. Looking at my children I see that the decisions I make, the things I say, and the actions I take have a lasting impact for generations.

Today we went to a friend’s birthday party and I put some effort into getting dressed up. My daughter looked at me and said that I looked very beautiful. Even though I didn’t feel it, I happily said thank you. I wanted her to hear the appreciation from me rather than the “no I am not, I still haven’t lost the 20 pounds I gained from your brother”. The messages I give to her will impact her as she grows up. The issue is will they be positive or negative, will they lift her up or tear her down, will they make her a better person or contribute to the “downs” she will experience in life?

I am not perfect but I am keeping in mind that the things I do, the words I say will impact more than just me, they will impact my next generation!

Speak Kindly,

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